Folio Digital Wallet AppAll your cards and documents in one app
1M+ documents added
4.7average rating
One scan, unlimited access
Backup Passports and IDs for safe travels and simple booking
Store loyalty cardsAnd never miss benefits
Share securelyShare your documents securely via Folio Wallet. Manage who can access your ID
Keep medical card a tap away for emergencies
Copy card details and pay online
Gift Cardnow
Amazon · $100This document will expire soon. Please review.Get alerts before gift cards expire
Build your digital wallet
Scan and extract data in seconds
Assign labels and organize
Adjust appearance for a better look
Add, delete, and move any fields
Download with confidence
Hide sensitive details to enhance security
Only you, not even Folio, can view your data
We use top-tier AES 256-bit encryption
See what Folio Wallet users say
Cle Evans
United States
this is the best Wallet PLUS appthis is the best Wallet PLUS app. I paid for a different app that wasn’t as good and was troublesome. I like the way this app uses Face ID. You can add all kinds of stuff. You can click on them and zoom in. it’s easy to share any of your documents and now there’s a shared folder, which is wonderful. I love it.
Date of experience: October 03, 2024Tomer Barak
Perfect appPerfect app! I've looked for such a solution for years.
Date of experience: October 06, 2024Mark
United Kingdom
using the app since it first went liveI’ve been using this since it first started and over the years it’s got better and better really good app would highly recommend it has become very useful and part of my everyday life
Date of experience: October 03, 2024Have questions?
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